Disability Discrimination Act (1995)

Since October 1999 the above government legislation has been in force covering all aspects of the provision of goods, services and leisure facilities to all persons with any form of disability or mobility problem.

The Act defines a disability as:

A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Under the provisions of this Act people with disabilities must be afforded equal opportunities in shops, restaurants, public buildings, leisure centres, medical services, education, places of worship, employment, public transport and footpaths and highways. This includes the right of admission to assistance dogs to such premises. Whilst the Act is now fully operational a number of areas were given until October 2004 to fully comply.

Approved Document M of the Building Regulations 2000 (2004 edition) details the legal requirements to be followed for Access to and use of buildings. A copy of this can be obtained from The Stationery Office www.tso.co/bookshop

Further specifications are given in BSI 8300:2001 which is obtainable from the British Standards Institute www.bsi-global.com

A document giving information about access to sporting facilities can be obtained from Sport England www.sportengland.org

Other publications detailing the legal requirements for shopkeepers, restaurants etc., can be obtained from the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Tel: 0845 604 6610 or www.equalityhumanrights.com  

We are able to carry out access surveys to ensure that your property meets the standards required. For details use our contact form

It should also be noted that the Charter of Human Rights (1998) is enforceable to ensure equal opportunities in all aspects of life for every citizen including those with disabilities.